Saturday, September 25, 2010

6 Men Arrested because of burned Quran at the British Pub

LONDON - A group of six men who were arrested after a recording on YouTube show them to burn a book of the Quran in the yard of a pub in the city of Gateshead, northern England, on the anniversary of 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States (U.S.)Police said yesterday.

Northumbria Police state the man was released after a bail amount is not disclosed.

Six men will be brought to a court to be tried for committing the act.

News catch is disclosed for the public yesterday.

According to police, two of the six men were arrested on 15 September and the rest were arrested on September 22 last year.

According to a newspaper yesterday, in a YouTube video, six men are around a book of the Koran in the grounds of The Bugle Pun Lana Leam, Felling in Gateshead town.

Video clip that shows the face of all the man is covered with a cloth.

The six males that showed the book to the camera.

They then poured the oil from a can of red into the book and burn it.

A man wearing Adidas makes some snotty signal to the two books before it is burned.

All the men were arrested after a controversial hit in the U.S. as a priest in Florida, Terry Jones stated he would burn the Quran in commemorating the anniversary of 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks in the U.S. which caused more than 3,000 people were killed. - Agencies

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