Friday, March 25, 2011

Breakfast is good for the mind

A good BREAKFAST will provide energy to the brain cells to work in the morning. It also prevents the body becomes sluggish.

Instead, many are choosing foods or snacks that are less nutritious and high in calories for breakfast. Some people believe they can replace the missed breakfast by taking a large quantity of food at lunch time.

In fact, some suggest that they could lose weight by leaving the breakfast. In fact they may unknowingly maintain weight by practicing a breakfast rich in protein and fiber.

An example is the combination of a nutritious breakfast boiled egg, oranges and whole grains. Breakfast with low fat milk or a piece of full grain bread with peanut butter, carrot and low-fat yogurt is also the practice of healthy

In general, Malaysian women are confident and concerned with the interests of the stomach to lay breakfast for himself and his family.

Although most urban women are those who work, but the hustle and bustle of the business of balancing time between work, home and family is not reason to ignore the breakfast.

The formulation is based on a survey of ten women who work either unmarried or married. They are aged between 27 to 33 years and residing in Kuala Lumpur.

Simple Alternative

Breakfast provided themselves more efficacious versus buy. For those who want to fight rush in the morning, bread and milk is an ideal choice of the most concise.
Sometimes on Sunday, Hartini Yahya will fulfill requests from
their children to breakfast  outside, At least their can be entirely mixed with family and eliminate the pressure.
According to a mother to two young children, seeing children happy indeed quite
worthwhile as long as they eat breakfast.
But on another day, Helper Sectary in the Ministry of Energy, Water and Green Technology that will ensure their children are provided with breakfast cooked by itself.
Grain between a nutritious menu for breakfast.
Busyness as an employee of medical no longer hold up a young mother to emphasize the importance of breakfast to children aged seven and four years before going to school.
Dr. Rohaya Abdul Razak will ensure expert family breakfast with food provided at home such as grain with milk, eggs or fried
However, he was not going to bring their children to a restaurant for breakfast because immediately assume fast food have fat and calorie content is too high.
His partner, a board Sarekat telecommunications, Shakila Imran also reluctant to justify his children to eat food immediately that characterized too oily and no vegetables.
He refused to make the food as soon as gifts or incentives to their children. Instead Shakila more love cooking itself if the children ask for foods like french fries soon including hash browns, burgers and nuggets.
Shakila child had become accustomed to routine spending provided milk every morning before going to school or tadika.
He is quite filling them so that a time-out once gus provide a balanced diet is important as the beginning of a good day.
If their want to breakfast beyond the tip of weeks, Shakila is more opportunity to choose plain as tavern Mamak stalls to entertain capati foods like tose or less oily.
Development Minda 

Savor instead of breakfast has been shown to play an important role in helping the development of human Mind personality and especially for a child.
A study rather than touching the issue is the Relationship Between Hunger and Psychosocial Functioning in Low-Income American Children are broadcast in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in February 1998.

He proved that unlicensed school students who breakfast every morning to get a better decision in the test standard, to be more polite and less hyperactive compared to students who do not

However, grain breakfast like a sugary sweet, and shingle penkek maple chocolate chip need because inevitable he will leave them hungry fast, easy to sing and eat more in half a day.
Just as a child, students and adults also showed a better performance in academic and work if they lead off the day with breakfast. - Bernama 

Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring in UTHM

Entri kali ini aku nak tunjuk sikit yang uthm sama taraf dengan universiti dekat luar negara. Seperti yang di ketahui student uthm, pokok-pokok kat tepi jalan masuk uthm telah pun berbunga-bunga...(xsbr tunggu buahnya..) jap2...ade ke pokok nie menghasilkan buah??? ape2 pun musim bunga ni telah menyebabkan pemandangan menjadi lebih menarik di pandangan mata-mata orang awam sebab bunga yang berwarna merah jambu dan ada yang berwarna putih menyerikan lagi suasana di uthm...('',)

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